
As we are just about to finish the first month of 2017 #CoreSkills4all

Started this journey back in March last year when sent to KL, Malaysia to be a validated BC regional leadership and teacher trainer ... could not be happier as this is a journey I am passionate about following: I am convinced Core Skills are pivotal for our education systems.

What I take with me is an amazing experience -wherever I may be- ... it is about sharing and specially getting the tools to make a difference, to look for an impact to transform or modify/adapt teaching experiences in the classrooms, aiming for our students/pupils/learners to look ahead for a brighter future using core skills intuitively.




The importance of #Education, #intelligence & #character / MLK

 On our Twitter account, we wrote yesterday
"Dear : a quote that is self-explanatory "

And we honestly thought it was as straight forward as we read it, and yet, just in case we would like to say that yesterday was Martin Luther King Day, a fine opportunity to reflect on this great man's legacy ... pretty inspirational indeed.

What he said, is as valid and true as ever!
"The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically."
"Intelligence plus character - THAT is the goal of true education"

We can all do our bit, from wherever we are dear reader, it is just a matter of commitment ... are we ready to take upon the challenge?



Intelligencing on a Sunday Morning #Citizenship & a shout out to #SDGs

Getting ready for training in Mexico, one more time and thinking about Citizenship understood as:
(1) Status> rights & duties
(2) Feeling> identity & belonging
(3) Practise> making a difference

... a concept that is understood as a National, Regional, Local and in our own communities but also bearing in mind that we are living in a globalised world, and thanks to technology, we are closer and closer, recognising our connections.

So, one of the activities I was checking, requested us thinking ahead, an imagining our world in 2030.

It hit me, and clicked on the World We Want 2030 (previously known as Beyond 2015 and The World We Want 2015)... found out it is now called "Deliver 2030".
Loved it from the beginning! It is not only a wish now, as in what we want, but defines steps towards achieving those goals ... how to deliver.

Sometimes, a little change in the wording can transmit ever so much. #FoodForThought.
I am a true believer in Mini-Revolutions, and the impact it does have.

Well done indeed! SDG all the way! (Sustainable Development Goals(
... and us, dear readers? Which are our 3 steps towards becoming a better person and influencing in the ones around us?


To whoever classified "reading & writing" as Hard Skills ... well done

Earlier today I was placing some documents away while doing some sorting in my studio. So checking some draft paper, I came across an A4 paper which read the following:

Soft Skills
- Communication
- Interpersonal
- Social Skills
- Team work

Hard Skills
- Reading
- Writing

Now, to be utterly honest, to the present time, as I am typing these lines, I have no clue whatsoever about the identity of the person/people/group who wrote in my last week workshop,

So decided to Google to verify if that was what they actually did ... mind you, absolutely nothing wrong with it, as he/she/they was/were using technology available to find out more about a proposed subject.

First line from "Investopedia" -- in Chrome

"Hard skills are specific, teachable abilities that can be defined and measured, such as typing, writing, math, reading and the ability to use software programs. By contrast, soft skills are less tangible and harder to quantify, such as etiquette, getting along with others, listening and engaging in small talk. In business, hard skills most often refer to accounting and financial modeling."
So, if that paper came from "you" dear reader, just to acknowledge I still had it until today, and that you were on the right track ... so Thank you for being there!


Inspirational Quotes by Gilbert Highet ... defining #CoreSkills

By far, my #GoTo educational Top 2 quotes have to be ...

"Wherever there are beginners and experts, old and young, there is some kind of learning going on, some kind of teaching. We are all pupils and we are all teachers."

"The mind never need stop growing. Indeed, one of the few experiences which never pall is the experience of watching one's own mind and how it produces new interests, responds to new stimuli, and develops new thoughts, apparently without effort and almost independently of one's own conscious control."

Not surpringsingly both from Gilbert Highet, The Art of Teaching.

And somehow these deep thoughts can easily define Core Skills as pivotal to our teaching/learning processes.

Those are mine, dear reader, what about yours?


Can Soft Skills be teachable? ... "we are what we repeatedly do", right?

Note to self ... remember this one!

Last week as I was wrapping up the afternoon and collecting materials after presentation had long finished, I found two pieces of draft paper.

The picture attached above, dear reader, is one of them, and to be fair, I wished to add that I do believe one can teach/train/develop your soft skills ... yes you can.

This is exactly the kind of workshops the British Council Global Trainer Network focus on around the world, we do have access to brilliant material and trainers provide these modules to teachers but also to school leaders, as I have done in Mexico in December last year.

Someone may say it is too soon to know if there is a real impact, but we would like to believe, that it is very true and tangible, with the right motivation, energy and adapting/adjusting traditional ways of presenting our lessons to school children or university students, we can definitely find a way forward.

So, in short, I trust soft skills or core skills can be teachable indeed. Paraphrasing Aristotle "We are what we repeatedly do ... excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit".


What a week! Here we come!

There is something very special and empowering about debating, discussing, intelligencing about ELT issues, the number od endless possibilities that are ahead but also sharing concerns about current situations and challenges coming from all sorts, types and kind of learning institutions, whether state schools in Lima, or in rural areas or language centres that are all over a certain country.

We all have some common discussion points and ELT professionals ie. teachers, coordinators, trainers, head of area/subject/year join efforts to come with creative proposals ... this is what I call ELT magic!

Then, it certainly is time to plan/design a research for implementation purposes, to set indicators is pivotal, to keep a log/journal and to see results for feedback and self-improvement.

Here we come!



A new day and really impressed how warmly this new terminology has been embraced, not that they are all using it but at least it has been well accepted and the most important thing, we are discussing about these core skills ...

Got to confess though that from the following 6, there are some that most people assume are "more important" than others
1.Critical thinking and problem solving
2.Creativity and imagination
4.Communication and collaboration
5.Digital literacy
6.Leadership and personal development

At this point in time, dear reader, I would love to receive some comments on which are the one, you consider as the Top 3, considering your current situation.

In this part of the world, as seen yesterday, Digital Literacy and CTPS very closely followed by Creativity and Imagination were the ones selected.

When asked about my preference ... well, to be honest, very hard to say as I believe they are interconnected somehow ... and yet, whoever is reading these lines is due to internet and its usage, right?


A bit of night self-reflection

It has been one special day, not only professionally but personally as well ... so feeling not only elated but extremely motivated and empowered.

Few things beat sharing our knowledge with those around us, on this occasion it was at The IATEFL Summer School 2017 with a fabulous group of ELT professionals that work with a range of language learners from nursery all the way to secondary, college and university plus adults.

It was tricky though, so much information to share and activities to do in a 90 minute talk, hence it was just like a wine tasting. Even more, one of the discussion we had involved D.Erasmus' intelligence as a verb that this group of English teachers accepted the challenge to discuss about, after a mini-video with gorgeous views of his land in the forest.

Raising awareness on Core Skills, getting them to embrace these 6 lines we shared on their daily classes, was our goal ... a motivational session ending with some vibrant music and a bit of a chat that we are to continue online, or using one of the several platforms available, or who knows, maybe face2face over a cup of tea.

Two more days to go ...  Getting ready for 2017 ELT challenges and opportunities.


Challenges and Opportunities

As I mentioned yesterday, IATEFL Summer Workshop started today and I feel pleasantly surprised, motivated and inspired.

Very happy to report back that Soft Skills, Core Skills and getting ready for the 21st century, abilities needed and all, is part of everyone's agenda, same as CPD ... and there are so many places to go to for that!

There is so very very much to learn from, with internet, life is utterly different indeed.

Which makes me reflect on the following ... or intelligence *as a verb*

  • Is there way too much information out there?
  • How do we select which MOOC to go for?
  • Which is the best way to determine the level/quality of a webinar?
  • When is the best time to put into practice all this?
  • And, most importantly, specially if one is into education> How can we transmit this kind of knowledge to our learners/students/pupils/coachess?
... Got so many questions that I hope to answer soon dear reader.
Thank you for commenting or sharing your experiences with me


Re shaping ...

It is back to drawing table for me dear reader, well ... not quite to be honest, last year (Note to self: *wow that one sounded like a long time ago*) I was kindly invited to present a 90 minute slot at "Getting ready for 2017 ELT challenges and opportunities" which starts tomorrow.

If you had asked me before 29 December 2016, I would have answered that I had it ready to be delivered ... now? I am meditating, chatting to others and even talking to myself considering I would very much intend to add this new concept that I have embraced with much excitement> intelligence as a verb as #FoodForThought.

While having my morning jog I was re-shaping in my mind my concepts ... I have found a true delight to spend this moment of the day to deep think and philosophy instead of the classic motivating tunes for workout/jogging.

It is still, very much, a work in progress, but got these hours ahead, so, "it's all good" as Hugh Bonneville would say.

Let's do this!


2017.01.01 Let's start from the very beginning ... IntelligencingCoreSkills?

We have been thinking quite a lot lately and to start writing this post, I would like to begin by thanking you dear reader for taking time to go through these line.

As we were saying -or shall we be even more precise and go with "writing"- the nature of the present blog shall be focused on Core Skills, a topic that have invaded our thoughts and line of research to be utterly honest, we feel very committed to share our findings with you all -wherever you might be in the world-.

Paraphrasing Aristotle "We are what we repeatedly do" so let's take that line as our motto for 2017, which has started just the way we planned. So far, so good.

Now, in true honesty, this blog was meant to start last year, but it is said that there is always a reason for something to happen or not to happen as in the current case, and yet, we could not feel better for how things have turned out.

Last week, the last week of 2016, we came across rather mysteriously with a new terminology, that we are certain is not officially recognised yet, ===hahaha that is us being optimistic heyhoo=== and we intelligently believe in intelligencing ... that is correct dear reader, yes! it is not a typo we have intentionally put out there, but a conscious pick in our terminology.

2017 has been named the year we are thinking, reflecting, philosophying about "intelligence as a verb" -a concept we first heard on a Lecture given on Intelligence as a Superconcept by Mr. David Erasmus on 6 December 2017 at University College London BASc  -- however and to be clear we are to focus our yearly project research and that rational in the context of Core Skills not only for 21st Century as many people are saying around, but we us all. This is the reason why we have called this blog "IntelligencingCoreSkills".

On our last working day last year, we were discussing the concept with a college newbie who had very strong and extremely valid views on the way young people should be not only taught but also assessed in the current context. Most interesting and a couple of hours we certainly most certainly value.

At this point we would like to Thank You Dear Reader for your time and your future input, leaving you -for now and until tomorrow- with one of our favourite quotes indeed:

Wherever there are beginners and experts, old and young, there is some kind of learning going on, some kind of teaching. We are all pupils and we are all teachers.